Division of Country Programmes (DCP) is the operational arm
for ITC's technical cooperation. It has primary responsibility for liaison with
countries benefiting from ITC assistance, for coordinating ITC's field-level
activities, including relations with field-based donors and ensuring
responsiveness of ITC's programmes to national and regional trade promotion
needs and priorities. The Division leads and coordinates ITC's "Needs
assessment and programme design" core service and its functions involve
all areas of ITC's mandate. The Division is responsible for the programming and
overall management of regional and country-specific, multi-disciplinary
projects which are implemented in close coordination with the other substantive
The Office for Africa (OA), one of DCP regional offices, has
developed the Market Access Upgrade Programme (MARKUP). MARKUP aims to
contribute to economic development in the East African Community (EAC) through
boosting trade and regional integration. MARKUP’s outcome is to improve
regional market access to EU and the East African region for five EAC partner
countries for selected value chains: coffee, tea, cocoa, avocado, spices and
horticulture. The project will cover activities in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda,
Rwanda and Burundi through the provisions of partnerships with national,
regional and international institutions.
The MARKUP projects implemented by the ITC are part of a
bigger MARKUP programme for which other partner organizations are involved and
working all under the same umbrella. More specifically, ITC has the
responsibility to implement a regional component for the EAC (EAC-Window) as
well as country specific components (Tanzania and Burundi Windows) which are
all integrated and delivered as one and in close collaboration with other
programme stakeholders.
With regards to ITC’s involvement, MARKUP covers the
following interventions:
• Enhanced
capacity to advocate for the removal of sector trade barriers
• Export
competitiveness enhanced for sector SMEs
• Business
development capacities improved for sector SMEs
Tanzania Window:
• Enhanced
awareness on sector enablers through market analysis and research
Burundi Window:
• National
Quality Infrastructure framework, inspection and certification services
• Laboratory
testing capacities for coffee/tea improved
• Quality
related extension services strengthened
The Programme will be implemented in close collaboration
with the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ), with a Project
Coordination Unit (PCU) to be set up in Arusha, Tanzania, and with a
backstopping unit based in Headquarters. The PCU in Arusha will consist of a
Coordinator, a Senior Regional Technical Officer, an M&E Officer, a
Standards and SPS Expert and two Programme Assistants. At Headquarters, located
within the Office for Africa, there will be a Programme Management Officer, a
Project Officer and a Programme Assistant. A National Coordinator will
appointed in each EAC member state, seconded by an Administrative Assistant
(only in Burundi and Tanzania).
The function of National Coordinator requires a combination
of managerial and technical skills relevant to a capacity-building programme in
regional trade and selected value chains. The incumbent shall be capable of
working with a broad range of national, regional and international institutions
that are involved in the successful execution of the MARKUP programme.