Background Information - Ghana Multi Country Office (GMCO)
UNOPS Ghana Multi Country Office (GMCO), located in Accra, spans across West Africa, covering Ghana, Gambia,Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.
GMCO is responsible for managing strategic and operational risks associated with a subset of the regional
portfolio of engagements, developing and delivering cost effective services contributing to partners’ sustainable results and achievements of UNOPS management results.
The core functions of the Operational Hub are to:
● Liaise and develop engagements, and deliver services responding to partner needs.
● Leverage advice and integrate delivery modalities of the three Delivery Practices and the Global
Partner Service Office.
● Maintain appropriate arrangements and capacity for direct transactional support for delivery of the
sub-regional portfolio.
Background Information – Country Specific
The Nigeria Duty Stations are managed by the Nigeria Country Office based in Abuja, Nigeria.
Nigeria is considered a key player in the West African region, with an estimated population of 200 million and accounts for about 47% of the total population of West Africa. Nigeria is considered a High Priority Country for UNOPS GMCO; being a fragile country with a complex development profile and possessing a high risk of humanitarian emergencies and disasters. Likewise with high donor interest and demand for implementation support, Nigeria is viewed as a country in which UNOPS can add value and scale-up efforts by its partners to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly the Government of Nigeria.
The last donor-funded project implemented by UNOPS ended in June 2018. The office was reopened in April 2019 and high-level efforts are ongoing to secure donor funded projects. Our objective for 2020 is to consolidate the implementation of our Strategy 2018-2021 - to become Known, Recognized and viewed as a Resource for our development partners on the ground, delivering on our mandate of infrastructure, procurement and project management. A healthy pipeline of engagements are at various stages of discussion with our priority partners including international financial institutions, UN agencies, bilateral and multilateral donors.
The Senior Structural Engineer is part of the Infrastructure/ Engineering Team, with Primary Supervisor based in GMCO and direct reporting line to the Country/Project Manager in Nigeria on the day-to-day operations. The Principal Structural Engineer is required to have extensive design and construction experience. He/she is expected to meet and exceed the organization's performance and delivery goals.
Background Information – Job Specific
The Senior Structural Engineer is considered a valuable asset to the UNOPS team in Nigeria as partners begin to consider UNOPS as a partner in infrastructure development mainly within the north east of the county. Such development projects include construction of feeder roads that create access to markets and other social and commercial services, rehabilitation of WASH facilities, access to energy through rural electrification and provision of social infrastructure including schools, hospitals, markets etc. Our delivery approach is evidence based, embeds sustainability, and mainstreams gender, to ensure people are connected and are able to access basic services.
The Senior Structural Engineer will give his/her technical expertise as required to produce, manage and coordinate Structural Engineering designs and supervise related works. He or she is responsible for managing staff under his/her supervision and ensure high quality design documentation and site works are carried out on time and on or under budget. The projects may be in national and or international locations.
An agreed Terms of Reference (ToR) including the scope, deliverables and the maximum time duration will be agreed upon by UNOPS-GMCO and the Senior Structural Engineer prior to commencement of each and every assignment. He/she is responsible for ensuring designs and related documentation of projects which is to be carried out on time as per the agreed task.
The Senior Structural Engineer will be requested to work from home and be prepared to travel to any site in or around Nigeria as required and as United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) permits.