To support the PDD Objectives, in November 2021, UNOPS and the Norwegian Agency ...
To support the PDD Objectives, in November 2021, UNOPS and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation [Norad](referred to as ‘donor’ hereunder) signed a grant agreement for the implementation of a project on “Action and support to avert, minimize and address displacement related to the adverse effects of climate change”. The overall objective of this joint project is to enhance action and support for measures aimed at averting, minimizing and addressing displacement related to the adverse effects of climate change, including through developing a better understanding of displacement in the context of climate change as loss and damage. The overall approach is situated within the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 2015 Paris Agreement, including the work of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage (WIM), its Task Force on Displacement (TFD), and the Santiago Network for Loss and Damage (SNLD).
More specifically, the project is set up to have one global component with a focus on research and analysis, policy development and engagement, and communication, but will primarily be implemented in five countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change and disaster displacement. The project is set up to consist of an inception period of 6 months and an implementation period of 30 months. During the inception period, individual country needs will be identified and developed based on consultations, needs assessment, priority-setting and development of country-specific National Project Plans (NPP) setting out the workplans for each pilot country, for the implementation phase. Consultations during the inception phase will take place within the national context, as well as through relevant mechanisms for collaboration and coordination in the UNFCCC framework.
The objective of this assignment is to provide project management and coordination support to the PDD Secretariat to implement and deliver required activities during the inception period of the project in line with the purpose outlined above as well as contribute to the elaboration of a project management structure that will guide the implementation of the project from 1 June 2022 until 30 November 2024.
Overall responsibility for coordination and implementation and coordination of this project will be with the PDD Secretariat (hosted by UNOPS).
Further background and detailed information on the project proposal, the scope and the working environment/support structure of the assignment can be obtained by contacting the PDD Secretariat directly at