Under the guidance and supervision of the Chief Advocacy and Communications Offi...
Under the guidance and supervision of the Chief Advocacy and Communications Officer, the Strategic Communications Manager coordinates the work of the Strategic Communications Partner Committee (SCPC), providing management and leadership to develop and implement, in collaboration with the SCPC, communications to achieve the advocacy objectives of the Partnership.
The Strategic Communications Manager works with and in support of the efforts of the SCPC Co-Chairs and Committee members to keep malaria high on the global health and development agendas and catalyses the global and national leadership, commitment, and change (e.g. behavioural, social, policy) needed for effective programming, partnership and financing, positioning malaria in broader health and development financing.
The Strategic Communications Manager will work closely with all the Secretariat Teams, including the Advocacy and Resource Mobilization Partner Committee (ARMPC), Country/Regional Support Partner Committee (CRSPC), the Data Initiative Team and Operations & Finance – as well as with partners at the global, regional and national level – to provide expert communications support across the entire RBM Partnership, maximize synergies and boost the impact of overall efforts.
The Strategic Communications Manager will act as supervisor of the Advocacy and Communications Senior Officer.
Core Responsibilities:
Provide management and leadership support to the SCPC.
Manage day-to-day media relations for the RBM Partnership.
Develop communications collateral (white papers, thought pieces, etc.) that frame the issues, advise and support Partnership brand management.
Support the maintenance and development of media platforms (website and social media platforms, traditional media production, public service announcements, etc.).
Promote cross-cutting collaboration and synergies within the RBM Partnership.
Support countries and Partners to adopt, implement and share best practices.
Facilitate information-sharing, effective communication and collaboration across the RBM Partnership, as well as existing and prospective partners.
Provide expert leadership for the implementation of SCPC work plan and priorities within the ceiling of available resources.
Lead organization of key events to keep malaria high on global health and development agendas.
Strategic Communications Partner Committee (SCPC) Coordination:
To convene and coordinate partners at the global, regional and national level to leverage their unique capabilities, expertise and perspectives.
To collaborate with and provide authoritative advice to the Co-Chairs of the SCPC for the development of work plans for the area for work and within the boundaries set by the Board and the CEO, including advising on strategic planning, risk management, as well as streamlined procedures and best practices.
Generate the strategies and detailed work plans for RBM based on his/her judgment of priorities in consultation with the SCPC Co-Chairs and CEO.
Strategic Communications:
- Manage day-to-day communication and media relations activities for the RBM Partnership – including providing expert communications support to the Secretariat, SCPC, ARMPC, CRSPC and the Data Initiative Team, including the production and management of content for RBM’s platforms and channels including website and social media.
Support RBM’s external relations work, intended to influence the work of major stakeholders worldwide to mobilize action to defeat malaria.
Develop and agree on strategies for communications in partnership with SCPC Co-Chairs, ensuring consistent messaging across all RBM’s projects and programmes.
Supervise others, including a PR agency and other external consultants, to develop RBM’s communications products, events and media relations.
Provide additional managerial support to the Chief Advocacy and Communications Officer in coordinating and managing advocacy activities where required.
Ensure alignment of the RBM Partnership communications strategy with advocacy objectives.
Provide backstopping support for the Chief Advocacy and Communications Officer and Advocacy and Communications Officer.
Working together with the Partnership management team, RBM partners and key stakeholders, build consensus for the implementation of Board decisions through cross-cutting work plans and objectives, as well as proposals for innovative activities and streamlined processes.
Working with countries under the guidance of the CEO and SCPC co-chairs to effectively support and promote the work of RBM Partnership and its Partners.
Facilitate information-sharing, effective communication and collaboration across the RBM Partnership, as well as existing and prospective partners.
Support the Partnership's working groups on relevant communications matters as needed.
Within the delegation of authority, to oversee and manage the work of assigned staff, distributing assignments to facilitate smooth and effective use of human and financial resources; training, motivating and coaching staff, as well as evaluating performance, facilitating career development.
To perform other related responsibilities as assigned, including replacing and backstopping for others as required.
Represent the CEO and RBM’s Secretariat to meetings and events as appropriate
Impact of Results :
Successful results involve working with partners across the RBM Partnership to build effective collaboration, facilitate information-sharing and implement best practices, as well as advising, guiding, coaching and managing team assigned staff. Driving uptake of messaging, increases in media coverage and social media share of voice, and deployment and leveraging of champions. Assignments also involve extensive contacts with governmental representatives, community leaders, key partners, and existing and prospective donors, senior officials from the UN and other organizations to enlist cooperation, engagement and commitments to the malaria advocacy agenda.