The project ‘Mozambique Northern Crisis Recovery Project’ will be ba...
The project ‘Mozambique Northern Crisis Recovery Project’ will be based in and around the City of Pemba in Cabo Delgado Province supporting the resettlement of IDPs from temporary settlement sites to 20 relocation sites. The project will support both IDPs and Host communities. The project comprises of 4 main components:
Component 1: psychosocial social support and community peace building; and enhancing State-society trust and confidence.
Component 2: provision of agriculture and fisheries inputs, cash for work programs for youth and women and the provision of kits for micro and small business development; and training on entrepreneurship and business management.
Component 3: the restoration of basic services, small works for agriculture production, education and health infrastructure and the construction or rehabilitation of school and health infrastructure and community services and amenities in temporary and relocation sites and host communities.
Component 4: strengthening of technical capacity of government authorities and local governments for conflict management. This component will also support project implementation, financial management, procurement, safeguards, reporting, and monitoring and evaluation.
The project will be implemented in collaboration with government authorities and will be guided by the various programme guidelines provided by the World bank- as the funding source.
The project team is expected to contain management staff, Safeguards and Monitoring and Evaluation staff and infrastructure staff and will require significant stakeholder and partner coordination and management.