Project Information
Given the dire situation on the ground and high dependency o...
Project Information
Given the dire situation on the ground and high dependency on incoming assistance, a new mechanism to coordinate incoming non-humanitarian aid flows has become necessary to respondent to new realities. In Security Council Resolution 2626, the UN Assistance Mission for Afghanistan (UNAMA) has been delegated the authority to take over more functions to monitor and coordinate incoming financial flows in support of ongoing non-humanitarian aid efforts. Concerted efforts will ensure synergies, enhance efficiency and effectiveness of aid, ease economic strains, build strong relations and trust with local communities as well as foster acceptance of the authorities to the modalities and types of assistance provided, tailored to the changes in the context.
Job-Specific Information
The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Specialist will be part of an integrated team within the Aid Coordination and Effectiveness Section/Resident Coordinator’s Office of the UN in Afghanistan, supporting the implementation of the new aid architecture through robust monitoring and reporting.
The staff will report to the Head of Aid Coordination and Effectiveness Section/Resident Coordinator’s Office, and will submit activity reports to UNOPS to ensure due process.