The Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo has initiated the "Programme ...
The Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo has initiated the "Programme d'Appui au Développement Rural Inclusif et Résilient (PADRIR)" for a total amount of US$130 million with financial support from the International Fund for Agricultural Development, the Fund for International Development and the World Bank.
PADRIR covers Kasai Central, Kasai Oriental, Lomami and Maniema provinces and is expected to target 330,800 people corresponding to 56,800 households, in the provinces of Kasai Central, Lomami and Maniema.
IFAD's funding is intended, among other things, to rehabilitate rural roads and to improve the quality of life of the population.
The main aim of this project is rural poverty alleviation and the improvement of the incomes of small producers (particularly youth and women), food and nutritional security and resilience to climate change.
Specifically, the project aims to improve socio-economic conditions through: (i) the rehabilitation of main roads and rural
(ii) support for the development of agricultural value chains (production and processing)
(iii) market access and basic social services (drinking water, health, education).
The UNOPS Senior Project Manager and his/her team will lead some of the main infrastructure project activities related to the rehabilitation of rural roads in the targeted areas. Detailed designs must be carried out by Design companies then tenders will be launched to engaged local companies to carry out the various construction works. UNOPS will lead and supervise all these activities in close collaboration with the project stakeholders. Meanwhile social and environment safeguards must be considered throughout the project lifecycle.