* The position is open to both local and international candidates. The contract ...
* The position is open to both local and international candidates. The contract modality will be decided based on the project requirement.*
* Candidates are required to submit a cover letter on the preferred contract modality. Please check the section "contract type, level and duration" for more information.*
* In the event that the local national is selected, the contract will be issued as Local Individual Contractor Agreement (LICA) within the same position level as per UNOPS' policy.*
Sri Lanka
UNOPS in Sri Lanka is based in Colombo and is responsible for helping the Government of Sri Lanka and partner organizations deliver social and economic rehabilitation in areas affected by the 2004 tsunami and decades of armed conflict. UNOPS in Sri Lanka helps partners achieve their project goals in sectors including physical infrastructure, the environment and poverty mitigation.
UNOPS has supported Sri Lanka’s development since 1998, expanding operations in 2005 to support the post-tsunami response and reconstruction process. Within the organization’s mandate in project management, infrastructure, and procurement, UNOPS Sri Lanka implements customized socio-economic development projects that benefit vulnerable people and develop national capacities. Achievements in Sri Lanka include the development of sustainable and climate-resilient infrastructure, procurement services & capacity building, and project management in education, fisheries, roads, health, water supply systems; flood control and sanitation, and integrated solid waste management sectors. UNOPS works closely with Government counterparts and communities to ensure increased ownership, sustainability and accountability of Projects. Key projects in Sri Lanka include the Technical Project Management support for the Maternal and Newborn Health Care Strengthening Project in Matara District, Sri Lanka funded by KOICA.
UNOPS Sri Lanka also facilitated over $22 million worth of procurement of COVID-19 protection equipment and services in partnership with the World Bank, the Government of Japan, and the United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund.
Project information
In June 2022, UNOPS signed a legal agreement with the South Asia Cooperative Environment Program (SACEP), an intergovernmental organization in South Asia, to support its implementation of the Plastic Free Rivers and Seas for South Asia (PLEASE) project that is funded by the World Bank. The PLEASE project encompasses three components:
Component 1: Supporting Competitive Block Grant Investments to Reduce Plastic Waste;
Component 2: Leveraging Public and Private Sector Engagement and Solutions; and
Component 3: Strengthening Regional Integration Institutions.
UNOPS is expected to provide advisory services and implementation support, which entails project management, grant management, procurement, logistics, infrastructure, institutional capacity building, and communications and public advocacy, to the SACEP Project Implementation Unit (PIU).