UNOPS Ethiopia Multi - Country Office (ETMCO) South Sudan exciting career opport...
UNOPS Ethiopia Multi - Country Office (ETMCO) South Sudan exciting career opportunity.
UNOPS ETMCO - South Sudan will be implementing the Productive Safety Net for Socioeconomic opportunities Project (SNSOP) which is funded by the World Bank (WB) to address existing challenges of soaring levels of poverty, vulnerability, unemployment and idleness, particularly amongst youth. The development objectives of the project are to provide cash transfers and access to income generating opportunities and strengthen the National Safety Net Delivery System. SNSOP has three main four components namely:
(i) Cash Transfers;
(ii) Provision of Economic Opportunities;
(iii) Strengthened Institutional Capacity and Social Protection System; and
(iv) Project Management, M&E, and Knowledge Generation.
UNOPS - ETMCO South Sudan is recruiting for this position: Project Management Support Senior Assistant, based in Raja and Yei - South Sudan.
Qualified females and candidates from underrepresented groups in UNOPS are highly encouraged to apply.