Background Information: Technical Services Unit (TSU)
The Technical Services Uni...
Background Information: Technical Services Unit (TSU)
The Technical Services Unit (TSU) engages in multidisciplinary design and design review, assessments and advisory work for infrastructure related UNOPS projects. The team currently comprises approximately 20 permanent and 60+ retainer (consultant) personnel including architects, civil engineers, structural engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, quantity surveyors, GIS and specialist infrastructure practitioners (for dams, ICT, safeguards, biomedical works inter alia) and CAD technicians in addition to support personnel.
Current / recent projects are based in Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Morocco, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique and Madagascar. These projects comprise a range of types of horizontal and vertical infrastructure.
The Unit is based in Nairobi, but works extensively in other locations, via travel and by using the network of retainer (consultant) personnel based elsewhere in Africa and beyond. The team has been increasingly tasked with advising on wider issues within the built environment, such as peer reviewing designs, mapping, data analytics, safeguards and infrastructure carbon.
The TSU is a business unit for the Multi-Country office and comes under the direction of the Director for East and Southern Africa Multi Country Office (ESAMCO).