The Central African Republic (CAR) is a highly fragile country with a history of...
The Central African Republic (CAR) is a highly fragile country with a history of recurrent conict, the most recent of which took place in 2013 between multiple armed groups. The violence that followed the 2013 crisis greatly damaged public assets and infrastructure, disrupted service delivery, and further weakened the social fabric, and exacerbated people’s poverty and vulnerability to shocks. As a result, roughly one-quarter of the population was internally displaced or had to flee as refugees to neighboring countries. Forced displacement has disrupted livelihoods, depleted the assets of the poor, and put an additional strain on service delivery in areas of displacement.
Improvements in the security situation have resulted in the voluntary return of displaced populations, primarily in the northwest and southwest of the country. It is estimated that about 15 to 20 percent of the displaced population has returned spontaneously. However, the return of the displaced to the areas of origin remains fragile and dependent on the overall security situation. The reintegration of displaced populations and provision of social safety nets is a short-term priority and essential to the stabilization and economic revitalization of the country.
To this end, the World Bank is supporting the Government of CAR to increase access to basic services, and the establishment of social safety nets to communities affected by forced displacement. The project will be implemented through UNOPS including but not limited to the following towns: Bangui, Bambari and Paoua
The project adopts a multifaceted approach in support of communities affected by displacement in CAR and it entails 1) financial support to the most vulnerable households among displaced populations and the communities affected by COVID19 and the recent floods,; 2) Supporting the government of CAR in the training and capacity development of relevant ministerial bodies and entities on social safety nets and Cash transfer mechanisms.
For the purpose of execution of its project, UNOPS AFR CDMCO CAR seeks to hire a Project Manager responsible for providing overall technical and programmatic support for the planning, implementation, management, monitoring of cash transfer activities and capacity building. S/he is responsible to abide by security policies, administrative instructions, plans and procedures of the UN Security Management System and that of UNOPS.