The Project “Support to European Accession of North Macedonia” is de...
The Project “Support to European Accession of North Macedonia” is designed to support North Macedonia's accession negotiations and successful management of the overall European Union (EU) integration process. The Project is funded by the Secretariat for European Affairs (SEA), and implemented by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS).
This Project will strengthen the capacities of national institutions supporting the EU accession through provision of TA and capacity building to the Government Coordination Mechanism for Accession Negotiation. Support will facilitate effective alignment of national legislation with the EU acquis and its implementation, while at the same time facilitating engagement and contributions form relevant stakeholders, and exchange of experiences and cooperation with the EU Member States and countries from the region.
The Project will strengthen the capacities of the Secretariat of European Affairs (SEA) and will support the progress in fulfilment of Fundamentals Cluster requirements, finalisation of screening reports and transposition of the EU Acquis in the national legislation.
The EC 2023 Progress Report on North Macedonia noted that the country continued its efforts to strengthen democracy and the rule of law, and is in between some and moderate level of preparation in the prevention and fight against corruption. No progress was made. Corruption remains prevalent in many areas and is an issue of concern. The legislative framework is largely complete and the institutional set-up is in place. However a good track record on anti-corruption remains a challenge for the country, particularly in respect of the accession negotiations process. The EC Report calls on North Macedonia to continue to increase the track record of corruption cases, increase support to the bodies responsible for implementing the national strategy for the prevention of corruption and conflict of interest and, in the context of EU integrations, risk assessment of sectors most vulnerable to corruption and dedicated action.
With the new accession methodology and the Negotiating Framework for North Macedonia approved in July 2022, anti-corruption policies will be mainstreamed throughout all relevant chapters. As part of the screening process, during the bilateral screenings North Macedonia was requested to present the state of play in fighting the corruption and corruption risks for each chapter and to present the plans for further strengthening of the legal and institutional framework and ensuring systematic and efficient enforcement. Furthermore, anti-corruption mainstreaming will be introduced in other strategic documents and action plans addressing the requirements of the screening process and the EU negotiation process (Roadmap on Rule of Law, Reform Agenda etc)
Through implementation of priority actions, the Project will strengthen the capacity of the office of Deputy President of the Government in Charge for Good Governance Policies to mainstream anti-corruption in sectors and chapters, while following the requirements linked to EU accession. In addition to TA, this result will enable identification of the most vulnerable sectors and identification of mitigation measures and development of a model to track anti-corruption cases, while strongly advocating and promoting anti-corruption and integrity.