UNOPS is an operational arm of the United Nations, supporting the successful imp...
UNOPS is an operational arm of the United Nations, supporting the successful implementation of its partners’ development, humanitarian and peacebuilding projects around the world. Our mission is to help people build better lives and countries achieve sustainable development. UNOPS areas of expertise cover infrastructure, procurement, project management, financial management and human resources.
In Serbia, where UNOPS has been active since 2000, and North Macedonia and Montenegro where UNOPS works since 2017, the organisation provides support in conducting demanding socio-economic reforms and facilitating accession to the European Union and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The projects focus on sustainable socio-economic development, good governance, rule of law, social cohesion, environment and emergency response. Major projects have been implemented with the funding from the European Union (EU), Kingdom of Norway, Governments of Switzerland, Sweden, North Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, as well as UN organisations such as UNHCR and UNEP. UNOPS Serbia Multi-Country Office (RSMCO) also covers Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the need for support and potential engagements are being assessed in parallel to establishing in-country presence.
The work of UNOPS and the projects it implements is contextualised within the broader Sustainable Development Goals frameworks and objectives of the countries of its operations.
In the light of accelerated EU accession of the Western Balkans along with the Eastern Partnership Countries, and based on the multiple needs for assistance identified by national governments and the ministries in charge of EU affairs, the RSMCO needs to mobilise additional expertise in EU integration for better shaping support of the Multi-Country Office capacity, resources and experience to partners.