Summary of Key
Support in administrative and payroll related tasks
Support in producing payroll reports and queries
Knowledge building and knowledge sharing
1. Support in
administrative and payroll related tasks, including following responsibilities:
Perform a
variety of repetitive and routine tasks and duties related to Payroll
Ensure that
documents and supporting files are accurate, complete and properly filed for
audit purposes
Support to the
day to day payroll transactions
Create receipts
and initiate payments in UNOPS ERP System
payments relating to salaries in UNOPS ERP System
Check that
payment to Individual Contractor Agreement (ICA) holder is in compliance with
vendor profile and the terms and conditions of the ICA agreement
Prepare all
relevant supporting documentation for the Team Lead to review payment vouchers
Interact with
colleagues to exchange information on administrative issues and seek
accurate records (hardcopy and online) of all project document for easy
reference and retrieval
2. Support in
producing various payroll
reports and queries focusing on the following results:
payroll data resulting in reduction of recoveries, advances and other
exceptional payments
Timely and
accurate determination and processing of payments
Audit checks
and balances for due diligence and financial accountability within the
Financial Rules and Regulations of UNOPS
Maximize the
use of technology to keep the client informed of their payroll elements and
changes thereto
3. Support in
facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge sharing, focusing on
achievement of the following results:
in the trainings for the operations/ projects personnel on Payroll
to knowledge networks and communities of practice