Livelihoods and Food Security Trust Fund (LIFT) is a multi-donor fund
Livelihoods and Food Security Trust Fund (LIFT) is a multi-donor fund
established in Myanmar in 2009 with the purpose of increasing the livelihoods'
resilience and nutrition of poor people in Myanmar by focusing on interventions
that increase income, food availability, utilization and stability of access to
food. LIFT has received funding from 14 donors to date[1].
The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) is the Fund Manager (FM)
to administer the funds and provide monitoring and oversight.
LIFT is active in the four main agro-ecological regions of Myanmar, including
the central dry zone (Dry Zone), the Ayeyarwaddy Delta (Delta), Rakhine and the
upland areas of the country (Uplands). Read
more about LIFT on
The LIFT Fund Management Office (FMO) has a
substantial programme unit with teams responsible for LIFT’s work in each
agro-ecological zone (see above for these zones) as well as teams for each of LIFT’s main cross-cutting themes
(financial inclusion, private sector & inclusive value chains, and civil
society strengthening). The FMO also has
teams responsible for communications, monitoring, evaluation, accountability
and learning (MEAL), policy, learning and knowledge management and for support
The programme team is responsible for: a) designing
new programmes; b) identifying appropriate projects; c) monitoring and learning
from the implementation of these projects; d) feeding lessons into programme
design and policy dialogue.
LIFT’s Rakhine
Following a conflict sensitive and inclusive approach, LIFT pursues a comprehensive approach for Rakhine and pursues all of its four purpose-level outcomes: aiming
improved policies and public expenditures, increased income of rural households, decreased vulnerability, and improved nutrition.
The violence after August 2017 changed Rakhine’s
landscape and LIFT’s way of working. LIFT’s ongoing work in northern Rakhine
has been stalled since August and no resumption of work was permitted since
then. With the large exodus of the Muslim population and lack of access, LIFT
started to reprogramme operations in northern Rakhine. In addition, LIFT issued
a new call for proposal in October 2017 to ensure that humanitarian and development needs of all people in Rakhine are addressed
in a coordinated way for greater stability, interdependence, prosperity
and growth.
Most of LIFT’s projects in central and southern Rakhine, which
represents the majority of LIFT’s portfolio in Rakhine, could progress without
major interruptions throughout 2017. For most of these projects, 2018 is the
final year of operations.
The Programme Officer (interim) will backstop and support the
implementation of the LIFT Rakhine Programme.
[1] Australia, Denmark, the European
Union, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand,
Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. From
the private sector, the Mitsubishi Corporation is also a donor to LIFT.