UNOPS hosts the Stop Tuberculosis Partnership Secretariat (STBP) as of 1 January 2015, in Geneva, Switzerland. The vision of the Stop TB Partnership is to realize the goal of elimination of Tuberculosis (TB) as a public health problem and, ultimately, to obtain a world free of TB by ensuring that every TB patient has access to effective diagnosis, treatment and cure; stopping transmission of TB; reducing the inequitable social and economic toll of TB; and developing and implementing new preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic tools and strategies. The Stop Partnership is uniquely positioned to support the development and further implementation by partners of the current and future Global Plan, acting as a coordinator and catalyst for the range of partners engaged in the fight against TB.
Founded in 2001, the Stop TB Partnership's mission is to serve every person who is vulnerable to TB and ensure that high-quality treatment is available to all who need it. Stop TB partners include international and technical organizations, government programmes, research and funding agencies, foundations, NGOs, civil society and community groups and the private sector.
The Stop TB Partnership’s TB REACH initiative provides grants to partners in lower-income and/or high TB burden countries to test innovative and well thought-out, yet unproven approaches and technologies which aim to:
Increase the number of people with TB (TB infection or active TB [drug-sensitive or -resistant]) who are diagnosed, started on treatment and reported to National TB Programs (NTPs),
Decrease the time it takes someone with TB to receive appropriate treatment, and
Improve adherence and treatment success for people started on anti-TB treatment.
TB REACH combines open, but targeted calls for proposals, fast-track financing and rigorous, external monitoring and evaluation (M&E) to rapidly produce results. Other donor agencies and/or national governments can then scale-up the successful approaches piloted by recipients of TB REACH funding to maximize their own investments and to accelerate progress in the fight to end TB.
Innovations and Grants / TB Reach
In an effort to promote innovation and new ideas, TB REACH was established in 2010 as a multilateral funding mechanism testing and scaling up innovative technologies and strategies aimed at increasing the number of people detected with TB and linked to appropriate treatment. TB REACH provides fast-track and results-based financing with rigorous, external monitoring and evaluation (M&E) to produce strong evidence around specific innovative technologies/approaches, so others can be scaled up by other donor agencies and/or national governments. Since the inception of 2020, TB REACH has funded 313 projects in 54 countries with over USD 155 million.
Unlike other funding mechanisms like the Global Fund, TB REACH can support untested approaches and new technologies that have not been WHO recommended. To date, the projects supported by TB REACH include innovative active case finding, rollout and evaluation of new technologies (Xpert, drone, AI, etc), engaging private healthcare providers and communities.
Under the supervision of the Technical officer, the intern will work on the TB REACH team to support the advocacy and implementation of critical activities related to TB REACH.