Port Sudan, the major economic center of the Republic of Sudan’s
and the capital of Red Sea State in Sudan. has limited rainfall that varies
widely from year to year as well as within years. Droughts occur
regularly with devastating impacts. The climate is predicted to get
hotter and probably drier, further increasing the scarcity of water,
marginalising livelihoods and increasing tensions over water allocation and
use. Water scarcity impacts negatively on people’s lives and livelihoods,
increasing poverty, causing local conflict and driving migration.
of the project
FCDO water program in Sudan
The FCDO Urban Water for Sudan (UW4S) programme is working to
improve the health and nutrition, as well as to reduce the economic burden, for
traditional residents as well as Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in five
state capitals in Sudan, including Port Sudan.
The UW4S project seeks to improve the equity of water supply and
complementary sanitation and hygiene behaviour change in a sustainable
manner. It focuses on holistic planning, provides basic infrastructure
and helps state authorities build their ability to sustainably manage, operate
and maintain their water services, with improved engagement with
Under the first phase of the FCDO project, information of the Port
Sudan water supply situation was gathered and analysed as inputs to the
Strategic Investment Plan (SIP). The study resulted in the SIP and planning
documents for 14 work packages under three stages; emergency rehabilitation and
TA, priority rehabilitation and long term interventions.
Urban water for Port Sudan project
The project is based on the priorities identified in the SIP,
specifically, SIP work packages 1 to 4 (emergency works and Phase 2 technical
assistance). This project covers components of the Stage 1 Emergency works and
part of the Stage 2 Priority works capacity building and technical assistance
package. The project’s scope of work is aligned with the available DFID budget
and takes account of work being funded from other sources or implemented by
others such as the AfDB.
The FCDO UW4S programme- Port Sudan component objective is to
support sustainable water provision in Part Sudan through strengthening the
capacity of the Red Sea Water Corporation.
Job Specific information
The CBO is assigned all or part of the following duties which are performed
according to organizational needs and structure:
in the critical activities are the conduct of training, workshops and
conferences involving different stakeholders. These can be different targeted
activities related to planning, consultations, capacity building/training that
will engage target stakeholders from the public and private sectors and civil
society organizations.
project, therefore, needs the services of competent and professional
facilitators that over-all manage the training/workshop/conference programs so
that expected results are achieved. The Workshop Facilitator/s will be
working closely with the project’s technical advisors in the development of the
activity program design, methods, and requirements. He/she will also provide
the overall guidance to ensure that the planning/workshop/consultation process
and outputs are properly documented as a reference for all stakeholders.