The New Tools Project is a collaboration between the Stop TB ...
The New Tools Project is a collaboration between the Stop TB Partnership and USAID to introduce new innovative diagnostics, treatments and digital health technologies into high-burden countries. The project aims to effectively introduce new tools to help countries reach targets of the 2018 United Nations High Level Meeting on TB for the detection and treatment of TB, drug-resistant TB and TB infection (LTBI).
One of the primary objectives of the project is to strengthen diagnostic networks in high-burden countries through several approaches: 1.) by introducing new screening and diagnostic technologies that can bring testing closer to point-of-care and increase access in hard-to-reach places, 2.) by introducing new technologies for rapid and comprehensive drug susceptibility testing, 3.) by introducing new technologies for accurate detection of TB infection (LTBI), and 4.) by building country capacity to make optimal use of digital data produced by diagnostic instruments with the aim of improving care and improving performance and uptime of instruments.
Within the Stop TB Partnership, the project is a cross-team collaboration, with the engagement of multiple colleagues’ technical expertise across teams in diagnostics and digital health technologies, including the recently formed Stop TB Digital Health Technology Hub, and with procurement primarily by the Global Drug Facility (GDF).
As products have started to arrive in countries, the project has moved into an implementation phase, with ongoing close engagement of in-country partners and the provision of guidance and support. As implementation progresses, data on product use will be collected and analyzed together with project countries and partners for monitoring and evaluation. Best practices identified will be shared between early implementers as well as with global stakeholders and will be used to strengthen Stop TB and other global implementation guidance, tools and curricula. Provision of country support for use of additional diagnostic products may also be planned to provide a more comprehensive package of tools.
Within this context and under the direct supervision of the Diagnostics Technical Officer, the specific responsibilities of the Diagnostics Project Officer include:
Development of global implementation guidance, tools and curricula on introduction and use of new diagnostic tools and best practices, including:
- Drafting of content based on information compiled from early implementer experiences, published literature, manufacturer information and other sources
Coordinating inputs and reviews from Stop TB teams and external partners
Liaising with online learning platform developers
Finalizing products for publication and distribution
Provision of guidance and technical assistance to countries, implementation partners and Stop TB teams on effective introduction and use of new diagnostic tools and strengthening diagnostic networks to achieve optimal access, including:
Reviewing and contributing to development of country-specific operational plans and budgets and other remote technical assistance, adapting global implementation guidance as required based on country consultation
Collecting, reviewing and analyzing data on country use of new diagnostic technologies, following up with countries and partners to strengthen implementation and troubleshoot as required, and identifying best practices and lessons learned
Reviewing and analyzing data from diagnostics connectivity solutions to understand functioning of instrument networks and performance of service providers, and preparing recommendations for action and improvement
Development of reports, presentations and other communications on project implementation and findings
Performance of other duties as requested
Travel may be required (max 30% of time), pending COVID-19 situation.
This is a home-based (remote) position, with expectations of working hours primarily aligned with Geneva working hours.
This is a full-time position. Qualified candidates shortlisted but not selected for this position may be offered placement on a roster for engagement in time-limited specific tasks as retainers.