The New Tools Project is a collaboration between the Stop TB Partnership and USAID to introduce new innovative diagnostics, treatments and digital health technologies into high-burden countries. The project aims to effectively introduce new tools to help countries reach targets of the 2018 United Nations High Level Meeting on TB for the detection and treatment of TB, drug-resistant TB and TB infection (LTBI).
As the project has moved into an implementation phase, with ongoing close engagement of in-country partners and the provision of guidance and support. As implementation progresses, data on product use will be collected and analyzed together with project countries and partners for monitoring and evaluation. Best practices identified will be shared between early implementers as well as with global stakeholders and will be used to strengthen Stop TB and other global implementation guidance, tools and curricula. Provision of country support for use of additional diagnostic products may also be planned to provide a more comprehensive package of tools.
Within the Stop TB Partnership, the project is a cross-team collaboration, with the engagement of multiple colleagues’ technical expertise across teams in diagnostics and digital health technologies, including the recently formed Stop TB Digital Health Technology Hub (DHT Hub), and with procurement primarily by the Global Drug Facility (GDF).
The Stop TB Partnership launched the DHT Hub in November 2020 to catalyse the global adoption of evidence-based digital health technologies and ensure that they can be utilized to the fullest of their potential for the advancement of the Global Plan to End TB by 2030.
Within this context and under the direct supervision of the Digital Health Specialist, the specific responsibilities of the Analyst(s) are:
Contribution in the area of AI/ Computer-aided TB Diagnostics under the guidance of the technical lead:
Contribute to the roll out of ultra-portable X-ray and AI solutions in the Introduction of New Tools Project
Contribute to the coordination of the Global Thematic Working Group on X-ray and AI
Conduct research and evaluations of existing commercial AI diagnostic solutions by liaising and collaborating with commercial stakeholders on product evaluations. Create accessible lists for all the team members to consult and draw inputs.
Coordinate the drafting of peer-reviewed articles.
Collaborate in the development of online product evaluation platforms for use by different stakeholders in the field AI.
Provide analytical contributions to the production and publishing of AI for TB learning tools and implementation guides.
Contribution in the area of diagnostic connectivity under the guidance of the technical lead:
Contribute in the planning and overall roll out of diagnostic connectivity solutions in the Introduction of New Tools Project
In cooperation with countries and partners, analyze data from country diagnostic connectivity dashboards to support optimal use of data
Provide input to the activities of the Stop TB Partnership’s newly established Digital Health Technology (DHT) Hub:
Act as a partner across different technology focus areas including, but not limited to, collaborating on the writing of implementation and product guides, creation of learning tools, development of online landscaping platforms, and product specifications when necessary.
Provide administrative support and help the team with the design of the digital health initiative’s webpage, including liaising with the communications team and STBP’s Graphic Designer.
Promote the work of the digital health initiative and the Partnership through writing news alerts, announcements, case studies, and blog articles.
Any other tasks related to DHT Hub
Travel may be required (max 30% of time), pending COVID-19 situation.
This is a home-based (remote) position, with expectations of working hours primarily aligned with Geneva working hours.
This is a full-time and home-based position. Up to two positions will be filled under this vacancy. Qualified candidates shortlisted but not selected for this position may be offered placement on a roster for engagement in time-limited specific tasks on a retainer basis.
Kindly note, this contract is project base, therefore the duration of the contract will be linked to the duration of the project and funding available.
Contract duration: This is a project-based contract and in this regard, the initial duration of the project is until the end of 2022, with possibility to renew depending on the renewal of the project.