Since 2010, the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement has inspired a new way of working collaboratively to end malnutrition, in all its forms. With the governments of SUN Countries in the lead, it unites people—from civil society, the United Nations, donors, businesses and researchers—in a collective effort to improve nutrition. The SUN Strategy 2021–2025 (SUN 3.0) prioritises country leadership and focuses on supporting systemic change at the country level. It seeks to capture the ambition of SUN countries and guide the work of all actors at all levels aligning concerted action behind and responding to commonly agreed national priorities set out by governments in SUN countries.
SUN 3.0 is committed to fundamental, non-negotiable aspects of effective nutrition action, including equity and the principle of leaving no one behind. For its third phase, the SUN Movement will drive forward gender equality and enshrine youth leadership across the Movement. SUN 3.0 will strengthen partnerships to achieve greater impact on nutrition through food systems, health systems, social protection systems, actions by the private sector and humanitarian and development actors, and through education, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and climate change adaptation.
The SUN Movement Secretariat (SMS) plays a central role in enabling the multiple members and structures of the Movement to work together to advance progress on country-level priorities and the global positioning of nutrition.
The SUN Movement Secretariat comprises personnel based in Geneva and in various regions globally. All parts of the Movement – member governments, the SUN Global Support System - the GSS, consisting of four SUN networks (Civil Society, United Nations, Business, Donors) and the SUN Movement Secretariat, together with the SUN Movement Coordinator, work together to align and focus efforts on priorities within countries.
The SUN Movement Secretariat is hosted by UNOPS.
Role of the Resource Mobilisation Specialist
The purpose of this role is to support predictable and sustainable long-term funding and country financing capacity to meet SUN country financing requirements for nutrition.
The role reports to the SMS Regional Representative, Africa Portfolio1 in Dakar, servicing SUN countries in West and Central Africa.
19 African countries form part of this regional portfolio: Benin, Burkina Faso, Comoros, Cameroon, Gabon, Guinea, Madagascar, Mauritania, Niger, Chad, Togo, Rwanda, Sao Tome e Principe, Djibouti, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Mali, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique.
The role works closely with the SMS Resource Mobilisation Advisor in Geneva (servicing all 65 SUN countries) and the Permanent Finance Task Team of the Executive Committee. The purpose of this collaboration is to identify gaps in countries’ financing capacity; work with partners and finding models to address these gaps; and develop and deepen finance expertise across the SUN Movement. Nutrition finance, both specific and sensitive, requires a beyond “business as usual” approach, given the current development in finance climate.