UNOPS has been supporting UNICEF and the Ministry of Health to implement priority health service campaigns and outreaches since 2010. The UNOPS role in this partnership is to provide back-end support in the form of HR services, procurement, logistics and financial support to the priority programme activities of the Ministry of Health and UNICEF across the country. In 2020, UNICEF renewed it’s partnership with UNOPS in which arrangements were streamlined under a Framework Agreement.
The UNICEF programme is designed to increase access to and utilization of quality, integrated maternal and new born health services to ensure 1) Health workers in the Country will have the knowledge and skills to provide quality delivery care and emergency obstetric and new born care services; and 2) Health systems will be strengthened to manage and deliver integrated maternal and new born health services.
Methodology and Scope of the Assignment
UNOPS will under the direct supervision of the relevant partner focal point and in close collaboration with the responsible department and unit at the MOH at national level, the focus Counties, undertake the following activities guided by the Immunization Work plan and Detailed budget developed by National MOH and Partners.
Depending on the type of activity that UNOPS is required to support, provide the necessary administration, logistical and operational support to the client.
1. During the campaign, facilitate the disbursement and payments of the campaign activities in multiple counties and their sub counties during the selected immunization campaigns.
2. Certify all documents against the payments (as stipulated in attached budgets), e.g. payment schedules, invoices, receipts etc. These will be at the National, county and sub-county level.
3. Monitor / spot checks on implementation of activities
3. Monitoring and Progress Controls
Project Management Support Assistant-Field support will assist and maintain a database / spreadsheet of all the activities conducted during the project period including participants attending, type of training, duration, presenters etc. The database/ spreadsheet should enable statistical data at any given time and help in monitoring and evaluation of the performance and progress of the Training component.
The purpose of the position is to support the administration of all project activities in the field and enable proper project reporting and financial reporting to the client.
Purpose and Scope of Assignment
A key component of the project services includes operational support to implement Campaigns, Meetings, Workshops, Outreach and other activities according to the plans of the Ministry of Health and various partners/stakeholders. Operational support activities are typically carried out at the County level, and are delivered on demand basis from the partners. UNOPS role is to assist the MOH and UNICEF/WHO to Plan, Coordinate and Facilitate activities according to their schedule.
The role of the Project Management Support -Senior Assistant - Field support is to understand the operational and programmatic requirements of the partners and to serve as the UNOPS facilitator/liaison and organizer in the field. The Project Management Support -Senior Assistant will coordinate the work of a team of (Field) Admin Assistants in coordination with the project Management Support-Associate-Field coordination
The Project Management Support -Senior Assistant - Field support will be based in Nairobi with periodic visits to the Counties to support and check on the needs and performance of the UNOPS Admin Assistants.