1. Technical
● Mapping and analysing the existing
national legislation in relation to the Chapter 33 acquis.
● Assessing potential legal and
sublegal gaps which need to be addressed in order to fully comply with the
chapter 33 requirements.
● Compilation of compliance tables
(ToCs) for Chapter 33 within the draft LGA.
● Preparing a legal gap analysis (LGA)
on the alignment of the existing legislative framework of Albania in Chapter
● Mapping and analyzing the existing
institutional and administrative capacities of Albania in relation to the
Chapter 33 acquis
● Assessing the lack of capacities in
managing the processes under Chapter 33.
● Preparing an institutional and
administrative gap assessment (IAGA) of the administrative structure of Albania
needed for Chapter 33.
Stakeholder Engagement
● Establish
solid working relationships, engage, discuss, negotiate and liaise with key
national stakeholders, including government officials.
● Support
the development of good working relationships with key personnel in the EU,
through a large network of key contacts at EU institutions.
3. Knowledge Building and
Knowledge Sharing
● Providing technical support and
advice to the MFE, negotiating structure and others involved in the process of
accession negotiations in Chapter 33.
● Preparing the Albanian administration
for bilateral screening / organising and facilitating a workshop on
presentations for Chapter 33
● Providing comments and suggestions on
the draft of PowerPoint presentations for bilateral screening of Albania for
Chapter 33
● Updating and completing the draft
Negotiating Position Document of Chapter 33
● Providing on-the-job mentoring to
relevant representatives of the Ministry of Finance and Economy on Chapter
33-related matters.
● Knowledge building and sharing with
regards to the development and implementation of the Project, synthesis of
lessons learnt/best practices, and sound contributions to UNOPS knowledge
management initiatives.
3. Monitoring and Progress Controls
The Advisor on EU
negotiations - [Chapter 33 Financial and Budgetary provisions] directly impacts
on UNOPS’ contribution in supporting the country’s EU accession process. This
consequently reinforces the visibility and image of UNOPS, and strengthens its
competitive positions as a partner of choice in working with governments in
enhancing and modernising their legal, economic and institutional system.
The incumbent will be
engaged as a retainer and asked to perform specific tasks linked to supporting
delivery of the project's work in Albania in advance when the requirements
arise. The incumbent’s contributions and milestones will be assessed based on
this agreed work plan for each assignment.
Expert deliverables
● A
Workplan with details of the steps
(activities and measures) that the expert will take for the successful
finalisation of the assignment prepared.
● Mapping document analysing the existing national
legislation in relation to the Chapter 33 acquis prepared.
The mapping should provide the overview of the Albanian legislation in regard
to the level of alignment with the EU acquis. It should also assess potential
legal and sublegal gaps which need to be addressed in order to fully comply
with the chapter 33 requirements.
● Legal gap analysis (LGA) on the alignment of the
existing legislative framework of Albania in Chapter 33 prepared. The draft LGA should contain a Compilation of
compliance tables (ToCs) for Chapter 33.
● Institutional and administrative gap assessment
(IAGA) of the administrative structure of Albania needed for Chapter 33 prepared. IAGA should be based on the mapping and
analysing the existing institutional and administrative capacities of Albania
in relation to the Chapter 33 acquis as well as the assessment of the lack of
capacities in managing the processes under Chapter 33.
● Technical support and advice to the MFE, negotiating
structure and others involved in the process of accession negotiations in Chapter
33 provided.
● Comments and suggestions on the Drafts of PowerPoint
presentations for bilateral screening of Albania for Chapter 33 provided.
● Workshop on presentations for Chapter 33 in order to
prepare the Albanian administration for bilateral screening organised and facilitated.
● Draft Negotiating Position Document for Chapter 33 updating and completed.
● On-the-job mentoring to relevant representatives of the Ministry of
Finance and Economy on Chapter 33-related matters provided.
● A brief final mission report prepared and delivered to UNOPS. The report should contain the information on the assignment and
accomplishments that have been made under the work of the expert.