Background – UNMAS
The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) is a div...
Background – UNMAS
The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) is a division of the Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions (OROLSI) in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO). UNMAS is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly (RES/68/72) to ensure an effective, proactive and coordinated response to the problem posed by a wide range of explosive hazards. Legislative mandates also recognize UNMAS technical expertise in responding to threats posed by unsecured and unsafe conventional weapons and ammunition stockpiles. As an office within DPKO, UNMAS supports peacekeeping and special political missions in accordance with Security Council mandates.
Background – UNMAS Libya
UNMAS Libya is an integral part of the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL). As its Mine Action Service, UNMAS Libya helps implement the tasks mandated by UN Security Council resolution 2365 (2017) on Mine Action, as well as Resolution 2095 (2013) requesting UNSMIL to support the Government in developing a strategy on countering illicit proliferation of arms and related materiel, clear ERW and conduct demining programmes, and implement international conventions through the coordination of international assistance and building government capacity. UNMAS Libya has been delivering and coordinating Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA) responses which include training and capacity building of Libyan nationals in explosive ordnance disposal, non-technical survey, the provision of Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE), conducting advocacy, and providing technical support, as well as quality control and assurance activities.