Operations – Design and planning
Support the HPU in providing input to the...
Operations – Design and planning
Support the HPU in providing input to the CMAP on programme and project design documents from an operational and technical standpoint, such as:
Programme Strategy (e.g. vision, mission, strategic results framework, stakeholder analysis; risk analysis; resource mobilization strategy)
Workplan and Budget (e.g. nature of threat; technical personnel and equipment requirements, etc.)
Concept of Operations, Project resource plan and Training Management Plans
Input into the documents above is from the operational and technical aspects encompassing mine action pillars (e.g. clearance, explosive ordnance risk education, victim assistance, advocacy and stockpile destruction)
Ensure that implementation plans have viable timelines, are assigned appropriate resources, and that implementation options reflect the knowledge of the context, as well as UNOPS’ mechanisms and policies; key implementation documents include:
o UNMAS / UNOPS Project Agreements
o Solicitation documents used to contract third-parties (i.e. contractors and grantees)
o Human resources plan
Operations - Implementation and monitoring
Ensure operations are conducted in accordance with UNOPS policies and standards, such as:
Financial and procurement rules
Contract and grant management policies
Project management standards
Health, safety, social and environmental standards
Gender parity and mainstreaming policies
Information management systems and standards
Organizational design standards and human resources policies
Ensure operations are conducted in accordance with mine action technical standards, such as:
International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) and corresponding National Technical Specifications and Guidelines (NTSGs)
International Ammunition Technical Guidelines (IATG)
Modular Small Arms Control Implementation Compendium (MOSAIC)
Oversee, coordinate, and monitor mine action operations and performance (both operations conducted in-house and those conducted through third-party contractors and grantees), including:
Ensure third-party contracts and grants are delivered in accordance with contractual / grant terms and conditions, including in accordance with mine action technical, operational and quality assurance processes (Implementation Plan, SOPs, task orders issuance, accreditation).
Review all performance reports and populate internal monitoring and reporting mechanisms (i.e. grant and contract management plans) to inform the monthly payment process.
Design, implement and oversee a robust quality management and information management system.
Design and maintain a risk management system focused on problem solving which ties into contract management awareness; maintain and utilise risk and issues logs.
Organise debriefing with the grantee/contractor to provide feedback on performance against deliverables and if necessary, discuss corrective actions to be taken in following months, recommend liquidated damages and/or lead dispute resolutions if necessary.
Advise the HPU on potential technical and operational issues that may impact the achievement of programme / project outcomes and appropriate solutions.
Lead Boards of Inquiry as relevant.
Ensure operational plans are cost effective and reviewed regularly.
In support of the HPU, contribute to monitoring budgets/expenditure for over/under spend and adjust planning accordingly.
Stakeholder management
In support of the HPU, manage relationships with the CMAP and other direct UNOPS stakeholders, particularly around operational and technical issues
In support of the HPU, upon request from the CMAP, engage national mine action authorities and/or relevant Government ministries for purposes of coordination as requested, specifically relating to review/implementation of National Technical Standards and Guidelines and/or International Mine Action Standards and other relevant international standards as well as treaty implementation/obligations
People management
Support in recruitment, train, guide, empower and develop the operations team, with consideration for individual training and development needs
Mentor and advise operations personnel in planning, execution and delivery of allocated projects, ensuring incorporation of best operational processes.
Promote teamwork, collaboration and diversity by providing the Operations team with clear direction, objectives and guidance to enable them to perform their duties responsibly, effectively and efficiently.
Directly lead national and international UNOPS personnel in a multicultural team, ensuring a professional, ethical and well-managed operations team.
Foster a positive and enabling work environment, respectful of both men and women, and ensure that the highest standards of conduct are observed.
Ensure that regular performance reviews are conducted, and any issues are immediately addressed.
Knowledge management and innovation
Ensure records of operations-related files are well maintained.
Implement relevant tools and templates to effectively manage efficient and effective operations
Keep abreast of and incorporate latest/best practices, approaches and technology to enhance operational results
Initiate and undertake lessons learned exercises, including the sharing, effective filing, and incorporation into future operational plans and ensure information sharing