Following the political turnaround in Afghanistan in August 2021, the subsequent...
Following the political turnaround in Afghanistan in August 2021, the subsequent economic collapse has led to an unprecedented humanitarian crisis putting over 24 million people in immediate need of aid. To provide immediate short-term livelihood opportunities and deliver urgent essential services in rural and urban areas, UNOPS is aspiring to implement a community resilience program to be funded through the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) and administered by the World Bank (WB).
It is estimated that 1.1 million households, or 7.5 million Afghans, will receive livelihoods and income support through this project. In addition, 9 million Afghans in some 6,200 rural communities and 8 cities will benefit from improved access to essential social services through strengthening the capacity of community institutions in inclusive service delivery.
Job-Specific Information
Under the supervision of the Team Lead, The Head of Design is responsible for the development and implementation of strategic and effective Infrastructure Design Management services reflecting international best practices, compliance with UNOPS policies, rules, regulations and procedures, ensuring appropriate risk management and obtaining the best value for money for the Infrastructure Design services delivered by the design team, the Design Review processes on UNOPS levels, and the contracting of works, in a timely manner.
Head of design will be responsible for the functioning of the Design Unit under Component II-CRLP and be held accountable for all design needs of the CRLP that includes the design of LiW projects and any technical design instructed by the supervisor. The design and technical specifications shall comply with defined design standards. Additionally, the Head of design who will head the Design Unit shall be responsible for providing capacity building and mentoring to his fellows.