The South China Sea region and the UNEP/GEF SCS-SAP Project
The South China Sea ...
The South China Sea region and the UNEP/GEF SCS-SAP Project
The South China Sea and the Gulf of Thailand are two of a total of 66 Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs) recognized by the GEF. They are semi-enclosed seas, which support a number of unique habitats and ecosystems that are amongst the most biologically diverse shallow water marine ecosystems globally. The richness and productivity of the South China Sea and associated environments are, however, seriously threatened by high population growth, pollution, overharvest and habitat modification, resulting in high rates of habitat loss and impairment of the regenerative capacities of living resources. The socio-economic impacts of environmental deterioration are significant for the economies of this region.
Recognising that actions were urgently needed to halt degradation of the environment of this marine basin, the UNEP/GEF project “Reversing Environmental Degradation Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand” was implemented from 2003-2008. A key output of this project is the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) which was inter-governmentally adopted in 2008. To implement the SAP, the UNEP/GEF project “Implementing the Strategic Action Programme for the South China Sea (SCS-SAP)” was approved by GEF in November 2016 with UNOPS as the executing agency.
One of the key milestone outcomes of the SCS-SAP project will be the development of an updated Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) and associated Strategic Action Programme that incorporate all the recent international agreements and developments like the Paris Agreement on climate change, the global adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals, the emergence of the concept of the Blue Economy and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. The updating will include an assessment of options for anchoring the updated TDA and SAP within a regional entity, such as the Coordinating Body for the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA) with a view to increase long-term sustainability and regional/national ownership of the SAP.
The SCS-SAP regional Project Coordination Unit (PCU) will provide: project management services, communication, knowledge management, support/oversight and direct implementation services for the project’s activities, as well as the geographic and thematic coordination of those project activities that are to be implemented by the different participating countries and/or project Executing Partners (e.g. other UN Agencies and IGO’s, national governments, NGO’s, CSO’s, private companies, as applicable).
In the above context, UNOPS seeks to engage a Consultant to lead the TDA and SAP updating (TDA/SAP Consultant), which is one of the key milestone outcomes of the project.
This position will be expected to bring in substantive technical expertise on marine science in general and on the current status of the TDA and SAP processes in the context of blue economy thinking and source-to-sea connectivities.