The EU for Clean Air Project Project, funded by the European Union (EU) with EUR...
The EU for Clean Air Project Project, funded by the European Union (EU) with EUR 10 million through the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA), is designed to contribute to the improvement of air quality in North Macedonia and consequently decrease risks to human health. With the objective to contribute to the reduction of emissions of pollutants in four large urban centres in North Macedonia, the Project has a duration of 48 months, with an implementation period of 36 months, and followed by the defects notification period (DNP) of up to 12 months. The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) is the implementing partner.
The Project is aligned with the EU and national legislative and strategic frameworks, as well as the needs deriving from the health problems and economic consequences air pollution causes. It provides a significant contribution to the country’s environmental protection and green development, being one of the Government’s priorities for 2020-2024, and is contextualised with the EU Green Deal (EUGD), the Economic and Investment Plan (EIP) and the Green Agenda (GA) for the Western Balkans. The Project will contribute to the progress made towards meeting the EU accession criteria, primarily under the Chapter 27 (Environment) and to the achievement of the relevant United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals.
The Project will achieve five results, the first one being related to improving heating systems through the replacement of obsolete and inefficient boilers in 70 public buildings in the cities of Skopje, Bitola, Kumanovo, and Tetovo. The second result entails the procurement of six environmentally friendly buses that will reduce emissions in the City of Skopje. Furthermore, six thousand tree seedlings will be procured as a part of the third result, in order to be planted in Skopje, Bitola, Tetovo and Kumanovo. The fourth Project result will support development of the Feasibility Study for the Further Expansion of the Skopje District Heating System (DHS) and the implementation of a public awareness raising campaign. Finally, within the fifth result, the Project will ensure procurement and the delivery and installation of three air quality monitoring stations.