Background Information – Philippines
Established in 2016, UNOPS Philippine...
Background Information – Philippines
Established in 2016, UNOPS Philippines provides expert support to ensure sustainable project management, procurement and infrastructure activities in projects. With funds from the European Union (EU), UNOPS supports the Supreme Court, the Department of Justice, and the Department of the Interior and Local Government under the Governance in Justice (GOJUST) Programme (GOJUST2) through procurement, logistics, and grants management to push forward the justice reform agenda of the Philippine government through innovations and interventions; as well as providing grants to civil society organizations to improve access to justice of marginalized groups. In the Support to the Bangsamoro Transition (SUBATRA) Programme, UNOPS is working with the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) Government strengthening capacities of the executive, legislative and judicial branches to ensure a smooth transition, also with funds from the EU. In the health sector, UNOPS works with the DOH / ADB in the HEAL project (Health System Enhancement to Address and Limit COVID-19).
UNOPS Philippines is in the process of expanding its area of engagement in cooperation with its development partners, focusing mainly on a portfolio of projects and programs in the infrastructure, logistics management, procurement in health, rule of law, and governance sectors.
Project Background Information – SUBATRA
Support to Bangsamoro Transition (SUBATRA) is a 5-year program funded by the European Union, and co-financed by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), through an Agreement with the Government of the Republic of the Philippines. SUBATRA contributes to a smooth and timely undertaking of the transition through capacity building of the three branches of the Bangsamoro Government (executive, legislative and judicial) and civil society organizations. This will promote an enabling good governance environment and support the efficient implementation of policies set up by the transition plan, with a focus on capacities that are critical for the sound functioning of interim institutions. These include
Output 1: the capacity of the BTA’s executive branch superstructure to drive and coordinate key transitional policies;
Output 2: the capacity of the Parliament to exercise its law-making and oversight functions;
Output 3: the capacity of the Justice System to adjudicate litigations and improve access to justice, and
Output 4: the capacity of the civil society to contribute to a peaceful transition to the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).
The expected outcomes of the project are:
Overall Objective: To contribute to a peaceful, cohesive, secure, and inclusively developed Mindanao.
Specific Objective: The establishment of an enabling democratic governance environment for a smooth implementation of the transition in the Bangsamoro Region.
The ideal candidate for the role should demonstrate advanced expertise in data analysis, thorough understanding of various statistical methods and software tools, proficiency in monitoring and evaluation methodologies, along with hands-on experience in designing and implementing a comprehensive M&E framework. The candidate should also have competencies in effectively assessing program impact, refining strategies, and facilitating evidence-based decision making.