The Central African region, home to the world's second-largest tropical rainfore...
The Central African region, home to the world's second-largest tropical rainforest, absorbs about 1.5 billion tons of CO2 annually, accounting for 4% of global emissions, and is a habitat for over 10,000 plant and animal species. Despite ongoing efforts, forest loss is accelerating because government actions alone have not sufficiently balanced forest conservation with economic development interests. In response, a coalition of donors—the European Union, Germany, Norway, France, the United Kingdom, and South Korea—along with Central African partner countries—the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon—have formed the Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI) to address this issue through collaborative efforts.
Fund management has become a recognized strength of UNOPS CDMCO and a potential new business model for other country offices in the region and beyond. The Technical Assistance Project will provide technical assistance to governments of Central African countries with the aim of providing capacity building and helping governments achieve the objectives of the Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI). It will provide strategic and technical support to governments in achieving the milestones of the letters of intent and will also aim to strengthen the capacities of national entities so as to receive direct funding under CAFI projects. The Project will therefore have a direct implementation component by UNOPS and a funds management component (grants management) for implementation by eligible national entities having demonstrated the necessary capacities to receive and use funds efficiently. reason why UNOPS CDMCO a looking for a Senior Finance and Private Investment Advisor to support this new business model.
Within the framework of the delegated authority, and under supervision of the Head of Programme, the Senior Finance and Private Investment Advisor is assigned the following duties which are performed according to organizational needs and structure.