To analyse the energy sector in Ukraine and one more country to be selected at a later date depending on availability of funding, at the strategic level and from an infrastructure systems perspective. A key objective of the study is to identify areas in both the supply and demand side of the energy sector which may represent opportunities for UNOPS ECR to further develop interventions to support the Governments in addressing the issues.
The expert will work closely with the Regional Infrastructure and Project Management Advisor and the Senior Regional Partnership Advisor.
Outcomes of the analysis
A clearer understanding for the UNOPS RO, Multi-Country Office and Country Office staff of :
The country context and issues affecting the energy sector, including the UN’s role and support to the Government in the energy sector.
The key drivers and issues affecting the energy infrastructure system in the country.
The ultimate outcome of the exercise will provide the UNOPS country team with information and evidence on the energy sector focused on infrastructure needs that will enable them to initiate discussions with the Government and Donors, on key issues and how these might be addressed with the support of UNOPS in the country.
Energy Sector Analysis
The expert will be required to undertake an analysis of the energy sector in the country covering two key dimensions:
Country and UN Context of the Energy Sector - this will provide an overview of the Country and UN Context in respect of the energy sector in the country from a strategic perspective.
Supply and Demand - This will look at the key issues impacting on supply and demand across the energy sector and specifically in which component/s of the energy infrastructure system they occur, nl. Assets, Knowledge, or Institution/s they relate to.
Country and UN Context of the Energy Sector Analysis
The analysis in specific countries will look at both the country context and the UN’s engagement in the country via the Common Country Assessment (CCA) and the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF).
At country level, the country context will be examined through an analysis of :
Any ‘visioning’ documents adopted and published by the Government vision
Any documents setting out the Country’s development strategy
Any sector plans/strategies specifically related to the energy sector
Key stakeholders in the energy sector and how the Government manages the energy sector. Identify consultative platforms, including Non-Governmental Organisations, whereby key stakeholders in energy are consulted, both on national and regional levels.
The Country’s SDG commitments and specifically indicators and targets related to the energy sector (particularly SDG13, SDG7, SDG 11)
Donors/Funding sources and which projects they are funding either in the supply side or the demand side. (projects published on EU Access System,WB initiative on Scaling Up Energy Efficiency in Europe and Central Asia Program, etc. )
Energy projects in the pipeline / being implemented and a high-level assessment of the key issues impacting on the delivery of the projects (Global Gateway pipeline, etc.)
EU initiatives/instruments and funding programs in energy (e.g. Cohesion Fund, Connecting Europe Facility, European Regional Development Fund, Horizon Europe, InvestEU, LIFE, Just Transition Mechanism, EIB initiatives, Innovation Fund, European Local Energy Assistance (ELENA).
At the UN engagement level, the analysis will cover the:
Common Country Assessment - overview of the UN CCA and any specific reference to the energy sector
Theory of Change - any references to the energy sector that may be included in the ToC
UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework - any interventions included in the UNSDCF related to the energy sector and the relevant UN Agencies involved
UNOPS - Is UNOPS involved in any commitments related to the energy sector
Related Mission Hubs ToC and Position papers (TPC, Energy and Digitalization)
A key element of the study will be to identify the ‘line of sight’ between the Government's Strategic Development Documents, the SDG commitments, Donor/Funders interests, the CAA and commitments in the UNSDCF, to demonstrate the linkages to projects, either in the pipeline or already funded and being implemented.
Supply and Demand Analysis of the Energy Sector
The expert will be required to carry out a Supply and Demand analysis of the energy sector to assess the key drivers of supply and demand and the key issues impacting on supply and demand. The analysis will use the UNOPS infrastructure systems model (Fig 1 below) to identify which component/s of the energy infrastructure system are impacted by the drivers and issues.
Fig 1 : Infrastructure System

Assets - These are the physical assets that we can usually see and come into contact with on a daily basis
Institutions - Key bodies (governmental and non-governmental) that provide the regulations, policies, financing, legal frameworks, planning, creation, operation, maintenance and disposal of the infrastructure assets
Knowledge - This is the knowledge in the enabling environment (institutions) which provides the information about the infrastructure system, including legal and regulatory frameworks. It is essentially the knowledge within the system relevant to the planning, creation, operation and maintenance of the infrastructure system
The study should be conducted using a combination of desk study and analysis by reviewing key documents, followed by consultations with key stakeholders in-country to verify the findings of the desk study. Interviews with key stakeholders will be conducted by the consultant accompanied by country representative/s.
The output from the analysis will be a maximum 10-page report and a set of PowerPoint/Google slides setting out :
Key findings of the analysis on the Country and UN Context and the key drivers and issues relevant to the energy sector in the country, while also considering regional issues/potential interventions
Key Stakeholders (including Government, private sector, NGOs, Donors/Funders. Required expertise and resources
Recommendations on:
Key areas on both the supply and demand side that could represent possible entry points for UNOPS to engage with the Government
Short, medium and long-term term interventions required to address the key issues identified
Key High Risks associated with each of the interventions
Recommendations for further analysis study required on specific interventions.
Level of effort
Desk study: 10 days, including preliminary findings,.
In-country: 10 days followed by a discussion with relevant UNOPS personnel (RD, Relevant country reps, infrastructure and partnerships advisors) Followup may be required with other key stakeholders, depending on the analysis and the need for clarification or additional information.
Reporting and validation sessions: 10 days including a de-brief meeting and presentation with UNOPS RO.
Total: 30 days