Knowledge Management/ Communications Specialist

Partner UNEP
Job categories Communications
Vacancy code VA/2024/B5006/28892
Level ICS-11
Department/office APR, EAPMCO, Thailand
Duty station Athens, Greece
Contract type International ICA
Contract level IICA-3
Duration 10 months with possibility of extension
Application period 18-Sep-2024 to 02-Oct-2024

Applications to vacancies must be received before midnight Copenhagen time (CET) on the closing date of the announcement.

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The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the United Nations system's designated entity for addressing environmental issues at the global and regional levels. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action. United Nation’s Environment Ecosystems Division works with international and national partners, providing technical assistance and advisory services for the implementation of environmental policy, and strengthening the environmental management capacity of developing countries and countries with economies in transition. This assignment is for the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) - MedProgramme Coordinating Unit (MedPCU), Athens, Greece in the framework of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded Mediterranean Sea Programme (MedProgramme): “Enhancing Environmental Security” (GEF ID 9607).

The MedProgramme Sea Programme (MedProgramme) is part of UNEP’s Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) and represents the first Global Environment Facility (GEF) programmatic multi-focal area initiative in the Mediterranean Sea, aiming specifically at operationalizing priority actions to reduce major transboundary environmental stresses in its coastal areas, while strengthening, at the same time, climate resilience and water security, and improving the health and livelihoods of coastal populations.

The MedProgramme is implemented in nine (9) beneficiary countries sharing the Mediterranean basin, i.e.: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Montenegro, Morocco and Tunisia. It involves a wide spectrum of developmental and societal sectors, ranging from banking institutions, private sector, governmental and non-governmental bodies, industry, research, media, and various other organizations.

The MedProgramme is articulated around four components reflecting the priorities adopted by the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, namely:

  1. Reduction of land-based pollution in priority coastal hotspots and measuring progress to impacts.

  2. Enhancing Sustainability and Climate Resilience in the Coastal Zone.

  3. Protecting Marine Biodiversity.

  4. Knowledge Management and Programme Coordination.

As part of the Knowledge Management component, the MedProgramme executes a specific Knowledge Management Strategy (KM Strategy) aimed at: i) leveraging and systematically sharing knowledge assets generated by the Child Projects with the intended beneficiaries and audiences; ii) strengthening the science-policy interface (SPI) and influencing decision-making through  data and information sharing, capacity building, and regional stakeholder engagement; iii) supporting the objectives of the Barcelona, Stockholm and Minamata Conventions and the work of the UNEP/MAP through effective stocktaking and scaling up, and broader adoption of MedProgramme’s approaches and results; and iv) fostering incremental innovation within GEF programmatic approaches and enriching the knowledge base of GEF Implementing and Executing Agencies.

To date, work is underway to establish a web-based knowledge management (KM) platform for the MedProgramme. This KM platform will contribute to strengthening the institutional format and systematic documentation, dissemination and transfer of lessons learned and good practices and knowledge between and across Child Projects thereby contributing to knowledge exchange experience. It will become the go to place for knowledge for the Child Projects within the MedProgramme. This KM platform consists of a data and information management system and a combination of visualization tools to serve the portfolio’s needs built around three major components:

  1. A project management tool (PMT) along with a collaborative working environment (CWE).

  2. A public facing website.

  3. An information visualization tool (dashboard).

The University of Geneva (UNIGE), through its GRID-Geneva bureau, oversees the development of the platform. Once completed, the platform will be deployed and integrated into INFO/RAC system where it will be hosted.

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Please note that UNOPS does not accept unsolicited resumes. Applic...
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