Cities Alliance, which is hosted by UNOPS, is a global partnership for the promo...
Cities Alliance, which is hosted by UNOPS, is a global partnership for the promotion of cities in poverty reduction and sustainable development. Headquartered in Brussels and supported by a Secretariat, it is a unique partnership with a diverse membership - including global organisations of local authorities, national governments, international non-governmental organisations, foundations, knowledge networks and multilateral organisations – which have come together to strengthen both impacts and coherence in urban development.
Cities Alliance is a global leader, with a strong track record in grant making, that supports strategic city planning, slum upgrading strategies and national policies designed to make cities more inclusive and sustainable. Cities Alliance has a longstanding track record of supporting cities to build longer-term visions and plans for themselves that recognise the value of all residents; attract investment to where it is needed; strengthen basic services, housing, and job opportunities for slum dwellers; help integrate the informal economy into the city supply chains; and sustain the fabric of civil society and societal cohesion in “the last mile” within informal settlements, with specific attention to gender equality and strengthening resilience to climate change.Through UNOPS, the Cities Alliance operates a Multi-Donor Fund supported by an efficient, flexible grant-making mechanism with global reach.
Cities Alliance is implementing its 2022-2025 Strategic Plan, which conveys the realignment of 20 years of experience in fighting urban poverty and sharpens our focus on tested solutions to the unprecedented challenges that are impacting cities, their informal settlements, and most acutely, the urban poor. Cities Alliance operates through a business model which combines a Global window for normative work and a Country/City window for operations across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the MENA region.
The Cities Alliance Secretariat is recruiting for multiple internship positions and seeking highly motivated, dynamic and skilled interns who will have the opportunity to work with senior and experienced professionals and be exposed to learning and professional development opportunities.