The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) is an operational arm of ...
The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) is an operational arm of the United Nations, supporting the successful implementation of its partners' peacebuilding, humanitarian, and development projects around the world. Mandated as a central resource of the United Nations, UNOPS provides sustainable project management, procurement, and infrastructure services to a wide range of governments, donors, and United Nations organizations.
With over 5,000 UNOPS personnel and approximately 7,000 personnel recruited on behalf of UNOPS partners spread across 80 countries, our workforce represents a wide range of nationalities and cultures. We promote a balanced, diverse workforce — a strength that helps us better understand and address our partners’ needs, and continually strive to improve our gender balance through initiatives and policies that encourage the recruitment of qualified female candidates.
West Africa Multi-Country Office (WAMCO)
Located in Dakar, the UNOPS office in Senegal has developed a strong working relation with the Governments of West Africa and international partners over the years. It provides technical support in strategic development areas including elections; procurement and related capacity building; environmental protection, as well as infrastructure rehabilitation and development.
Background Information about the Project
The Nigeria Erosion & Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP) aims to address the menace of gully erosion and other forms of land degradation in targeted watersheds in Nigeria. The objective is to reduce vulnerability to soil erosion in targeted sub-watersheds. The World Bank has been funding NEWMAP since September 2013 and worked on putting in place the necessary structure to ensure implementation and sustainability. Funding from the World Bank has ended and the project has been closed since 30th June 2022. The EIB loan, under the project name “Nigeria Climate Adaptation – Erosion & Watershed project” represents a scale-up phase of the World Bank-led NEWMAP.
This project will be implemented through an approved EUR 175m sovereign loan agreement between the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Federal Government of Nigeria. The Federal Ministry of Environment is the project host, focal point, and lead coordinating Agency. The project implementation is led by the Federal Project Management Unit (FPMU) and State Project Management Units (SPMUs) of the participating states.
In this assignment, UNOPS is providing support to the Government of Nigeria to see that the NEWMAP-EIB project is implemented in line with EIB requirements and standards. UNOPS will provide the Promoter, notably the FPMU and PIUs at the State level, with project advice on project and subproject preparation and implementation support, to support that the components financed by the EIB are implemented in line with the EIB standards. UNOPS support is structured around the following four areas of assistance:
Review of project documents (that are submitted by the Promoter for the purpose of either requesting clearance or required under its Financing Agreement with the EIB) to support compliance with EIB procurement and Environmental and Social Standards and Infrastructure lifecycle management alignment with international good practices.
Monitoring of Project Sites/ Schemes/ Subprojects funded through the EIB loan to monitor the progress of the implementation, verify works on ground against approved plans, identify areas of concern (if any) and report accordingly (approximately 60 site visits)
Undertake half-yearly Implementation Support Missions (ISM), jointly with EIB as necessary (approximately 12 site visits).
Provide Capacity Strengthening to the Promoter where necessary and feasible, including in areas like finance and project management