UNOPS Horn of Africa Multi-Country Office is recruiting for this position: Logis...
UNOPS Horn of Africa Multi-Country Office is recruiting for this position: Logistics Senior Officer to be based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Qualified females and candidates from underrepresented groups in UNOPS are highly encouraged to apply.
Established in 2009, Horn Of Africa Multi-country office (HAMCO) sub-region currently consists of an established Operation Centre in Addis Ababa which manages a portfolio of engagements in four (4) Horn of Africa countries (Ethiopia, Djibouti, Sudan and South Sudan). HAMCO focuses on Infrastructure, Procurement, Project Management, HR and Transactional Services, and Fund Management services across a wide range of sectors including Health, Education, Agriculture, Resilient infrastructure, among others.
Our goal is to support countries, help people in need and enable our partners through delivering on our mandate of infrastructure, procurement and project management in the countries in the Horn of Africa. Building on our global experience successfully delivering projects in complex operating environments, UNOPS has recently initiated several infrastructure projects with our priority partners.