The Water Supply and Sanitation
Collaborative Council (WSSCC) is a global, multi...
The Water Supply and Sanitation
Collaborative Council (WSSCC) is a global, multi-stakeholder membership and
partnership organization that advocates for improved sanitation and hygiene for
the most vulnerable and marginalized people around the world. With the United Nations General Assembly resolution
A/RES/45/181, WSSCC
was established in 1990 to intensify “the
coordination of national activities undertaken with the assistance of all
relevant agencies in the field of water supply and sanitation.”
The WSSCC Secretariat is hosted by the United
Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and located in Geneva, Switzerland.
WSSCC enhances national efforts through the Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) to help rural
communities improve their sanitation and adopt good hygiene practices in
countries such as Benin, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Nepal,
Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, Togo and Uganda. In India, WSSCC is providing
assistance through its India Support Unit as an accredited Key Resource Centre
for capacity building and learning. In the rest of the countries, National
Coordinators assume a pivotal role in representing WSSCC and ensuring that appropriate
amplification and integration take place across various interventions supported
by the Council. The GSF also appoints an Executing Agency (EA) to administer
the grant in these countries and each EA makes sub-grants to non-government
organizations, private sector and local governments to implement its programmes.
the guidance and supervision of the Head of Corporate Communications and
Advocacy, in close collaboration with WSSCC’s Regional Units, the consultant
will proactively produce and distribute
newsworthy, accurate, and high-quality digital news and feature stories,
photographs, video reports, and interactive social media content that will put
a human face on the issues related to sanitation and hygiene in the above
countries and promote WSSCC’s role in the achievement of Sustainable
Development Goal 6.2. The position will help WSSCC’s Corporate Communications and Media Unit to enhance
its digital media performance, revitalize its brand, reinforce its narrative
and reinvigorate its engagement with national, regional, and international
audiences by increasing the
quantity and improving the quality of its communications services and outputs.
particular, one of the key story angles will be to showcase how WSSCC and its
partners are carrying out their activities to “leave no one behind” and convey the
importance of reaching out to the hardest-to-reach villages and the most
marginalized people.
the consultant will feature voices of the people who benefit from WSSCC’s
interventions and highlight the impact that the work of WSSCC is having on
their lives. The position will also make stories interesting and engaging by
interviewing WSSCC partners and members – for example during WSSCC-supported workshops
and events – and showcasing the challenges they face, the opportunities they
would like to have, and how WSSCC is working together to scale up its
interventions and impact. Video and social media content will be requested.
The target countries for this consultancy are Nepal, India, Madagascar, Kenya, Benin (covering Togo) and Nigeria.