Through the work of the incumbent, the structure and content of the CTCN knowledge management system will be up to date and user-friendly, and CTCN’s knowledge sharing activities will deliver utility to key CTCN stakeholders in climate technology transfer issues. The Centre will implement its monitoring and evaluation system to manage its impact data and report on its activities. Procurement and administrative coordination of knowledge services and various contracts will enable efficient delivery of intended impacts.
The consultant will support the operationalization of the Climate Technology Center and Network (CTCN). In particular he/she will support:
• The coordination of general maintenance and improvement of the CTCN’s web-based knowledge management system (KMS) by external IT service providers
• Conducting outreach to knowledge partners and user groups to increase knowledge exchange
• Summarizing CTCN projects for posting online
• Data collection and data management related to the CTCN monitoring & evaluation system
• The drafting of presentations, documents, and tools to guide implementation of the CTCN monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework
• The communication of data through graphs and other visualizations as requested by the CTCN Director or CTCN Knowledge and Communications Manager
• Stakeholder engagement and coordination of knowledge-related activities, as well as procurement and administrative support for gender and youth-related activities
• Provision of input to CTCN reporting on knowledge sharing activities and data
Monitoring and Progress Controls
The Consultant will act under the direct supervision of the Knowledge and Communications Manager.
Objective 1: Support the maintenance and improvement of CTCN’s internal web-based knowledge management system (KMS) and public website in coordination with relevant web developers and IT service providers
• Coordination between CTCN Secretariat and IT consultants and web developers on maintenance and development of the CTCN website,, in terms of internal dashboard development and front-end visuals and functionality
• Proactively suggest and implement innovative activities for improvement of knowledge management and sharing
• Climate technology information from CTCN projects are summarized and shared on the website
• Content from knowledge partners are previewed and uploaded to KMS
• Procurement of CTCN software and IT services and review of deliverables
• KMS-related indicators are gathered for reporting purposes
Objective 2: Support the development and organization of CTCN outreach and knowledge sharing activities and events
• Conduct outreach to potential knowledge partners and user groups to encourage use of the CTCN’s website,, and to increase the number of relevant climate technology publications, tools, case studies and other content shared through the site
• Prepare agendas, presentations and documents for knowledge sharing and outreach events
• Assemble data through graphs and other visualizations as requested by the CTCN Director or CTCN Knowledge and Communications Manager
• Stakeholder engagement and coordination of climate change knowledge-related activities, including administrative/project support for gender and youth-related activities
Objective 3: Support the development and implementation of CTCN monitoring & evaluation system
• Support implementation of CTCN M&E system with respect to data collection, quality assurance and storage in collaboration with CTCN Secretariat
• Coordinate IT service providers' development of M&E dashboard in CTCN knoweldge management system
• Provision of input to CTCN reporting on knowledge sharing activities and data