Reporting to the Project Manager, the Capacity Building Specialist
is responsible for the overall coordination and successful delivery of
capacity-building activities to mitigate explosive threats (EOD/CIED, WAM and
treaty compliance). S/he supports the
Project Manager in identifying capacity building priorities and coordinating
transition activities. S/he acts as Officer in Charge in the absence of the
Project Manager.
Functional responsibilities:
of Key Functions:
The Capacity Building Specialist will:
1. Ensure coordination, coherence, and quality of the capacity
development approach project-wide:
the coordination between the different units of the project and advise the
Project Manager of changes or deviations from plans, including through the
identification and management of risks and issues, ensuring maximum benefit to
clients and stakeholders.
that UNMAS Mali is fully informed of the capacity development initiatives.
the Project Manager in identifying and reviewing product project quality and
ensuring products are accepted, including with the technical guidance and
oversight of Operations and Support Services, the tasking, monitoring quality
control and evaluation of the performance of service providers, grantees and
implementing partners.
the Project Manager in developing project concepts, proposals, funding requests
and submission to joint appeals processes for priority needs by existing
funding sources in line with government plans;
and assist project teams to implement a transition plan to progressively and
systematically transfer the management of mine action to national ownership.
This may include organizing review workshops and coordination meetings.
that information gathered from monitoring and evaluations is used to inform
stakeholders of progress and to improve the programme.
2. Lead institutional capacity development assistance and support for
the Malian authorities
the Project Manager interaction with the national authorities at both
institutional and technical levels in order to develop and support a
sustainable and context relevant technical capacity to meet its needs to
respond to all explosive hazards.
the National Authorities in developing multi-year mine action plans, a National
Mine Action Strategy, to sign international conventions relevant to Mine Action
and to advocate for mine action within Government and international
in coordinating the technical support for the government of Mali in the
development of national EOD, IED threat mitigation and WAM activities which
meet the needs of the Government and are context-relevant, while remaining in
line with international standards; and in providing guidance to the
stakeholders on key sector regulatory issues including Boards of Investigation,
ensuring periodic reviews of National Standard, critical non-conformities, Land
Release policy, Information Management etc.
3. Backstop the Project Manager:
the Project Manager on issues that may impact the achievements of project
that the project is accurately and appropriately represented to an external audience, under her/his
strategic guidance. This includes via various consolidated and participatory
processes as well as UN agencies funds and programmes, government counterparts,
donors, and other key stakeholders.
accurate, complete, representative and timely substantive reporting on the
project, its activities and key milestones to all stakeholders in collaboration
with the programme
the Project Manager in the management of all human, equipment, contractual and
financial resources allocated to the project as needed.
the Project Manager in developing, justifying and implementing project plans
within tolerances established at programme level and in line with programme
other duties as requested and tasked by the Project Manager.