The Joint Peace Fund (JPF) is a multi-donor fund, established by international d...
The Joint Peace Fund (JPF) is a multi-donor fund, established by international donors in 2015 to support Myanmar on the path to sustainable peace. The purpose of JPF was to support national efforts to achieve a final and lasting settlement of ethnic armed conflict in Myanmar. Activities were focused on making the peace process itself more effective, supporting a more inclusive process, and paving the way to long-term peace by supporting political solutions to resolve decades of conflict. This holistic focus – supporting a broad range of actors in the peace process from the negotiation of the top level leadership to community leaders working in villages in remote parts of the country -made it a unique project in terms of global peace support. With eight donors – Canada, European Union, Finland, Germany, Italy, Norway, Switzerland, and the UK – it represents a strong commitment to a peaceful future for all the many peoples of Myanmar.
The Myanmar peace process has been extremely affected by the military takeover of February 2021 and its aftermath, that saw an ever-increasing spiral of violence descending upon the country, the apparition of numerous new armed actors, and a generalised civilian resistance to the military. JPF is adapting to these evolving circumstances and is implementing a revised strategy that will guide the Fund’s work over the next few years.